CEF of the Greater St. Croix Valley is a faith-based ministry funded solely by those whom the Lord moves to give to it.
Your gifts of any size make an impact on reaching children for Christ in the St. Croix Valley and surrounding areas.
Your gifts help us reach boys and girls with the Gospel!
If you desire to give to CEF here's how:
ONLINE GIVING ~ Special gift now or sign up for recurring gifts
CHECK ~ mail your donations to the address listed below.
Please do NOT write a name on the memo line of the check.-
If there is a ministry representative that has communicated this opportunity with you, please write their name on a separate note or indicate it on a commitment card (see below).​​
Ministry representatives may include Bill Stirrat (Field Missionary), Alice Brown (Local Coordinator) or a Summer Missionary (by name).
You may also indicate if you are responding to a specific need.
Click here for a commitment card. Please make checks out to CEF.